Pledge to Reduce Ethnic Inequalities in Mental Health Systems

Welcome to the UK’s first national pledge calling on senior leaders in NHS mental health trusts, public bodies and commissioning to declare their commitment to reduce ethnic inequalities in mental health care systems. The pledge also has supporters, largely from the NGO and BME voluntary and community sector, community groups and mental health activitists who have the expertise to partner with senior leaders to help eradicate ethnic inequalities in health and social care. Join us and be part of the wider network.

Synergi Collaborative Centre Stroke

Black and minority ethnic (BME) communities are facing disproportionate risks in mental health services that require urgent action, intent, shared vision and collaboration.

The context is stark. Ethnic inequalities in mental health care are longstanding and exceptionally large, disadvantaging BME people in access, care, treatment and outcomes.

BME people have a higher risk of experiencing ‘symptoms’ of psychoses, an even higher risk for a diagnosis of a psychotic condition, are more likely to experience adverse pathways to and through care, are subject to coercion and restrictive care, compulsory admissions and treatments, and poorer outcomes and follow-up.

Undeniably, the cost of coercive care is great, financially, but also in terms of trust and confidence in mental health and social care systems. The Black Lives Matter movement, and the worldwide protests in response to the killing of George Floyd, have resulted in renewed calls to address institutional racism. This makes it even more urgent to achieve a fair and equitable mental health system. This is why it is now time for action.

We believe it is unacceptable that despite over 30 years of research, inquiries and reviews into this issue, a staggering 80% of recommendations made to address this problem have not been implemented fully. It is unacceptable that despite longstanding and pervasive ethnic inequalities, there are no plans for meaningful and sustainable change.

This ‘Statement of Intent’ is a call for commitment from CEOs and medical and nursing directors of NHS mental health trusts, commissioners and public bodies.

As senior leaders of mental health services and commissioners of mental health care, we will:

  1. Initiate fundamental service level changes to reduce ethnic inequalities in access, experience and outcomes.
  2. Measure, monitor and report the nature and extent of ethnic inequalities and progress made.
  3. Work in partnership with local BME communities, service users and relevant community agencies.
  4. Provide national leadership on this critical issue.
  5. Ensure inclusive and sustainable change in our localities and communities.
  6. Support timely and progressive research and policy development.
  7. Contribute to a biannual progress update as part of this Pledge.

Some of this work is already underway in different parts of the country. For example, South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust, in collaboration with Wandsworth Community Empowerment Network, is implementing an Ethnicity and Mental Health Improvement Project, in a co-produced partnership with local stakeholders, including a range of diverse and multicultural community and faith networks.

Leeds City Council, NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group, Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and a local stakeholder group of NGOs, BME voluntary organisations, community groups and activists, are collaborating with Synergi’s Creative Spaces model to tackle ethnic inequalities in the risk and consequences of severe mental illnesses among the city’s BME population.

Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Partnership (made up of all NHS organisations and councils, emergency services, the voluntary sector, Healthwatch and others, including the Mayor of Greater Manchester) has been working to reduce the ethnic inequalities gap. As part of their Covid-19 response the Partnership has collaborated with local BME organisations and provided significant funding for critical mental health services for ethnic minority communities in the county.

We note that making the necessary changes will be complex and will take time. However, the scale of the task should not deter us from making a start in true partnership with communities across the health care systems.

This Pledge is an opportunity to pursue systems change as part of a constructive, bold, transparent and collective voice.


Tom Riordan
Leeds City Council
Tim Ryley
Chief Executive
NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group
Dr Sara Munro
Chief Executive
Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Cllr Rebecca Charlwood
Leeds Health and Wellbeing Board
Victoria Eaton
Director of Public Health
Leeds City Council
Jim Barwick
Leeds GP Confederation
Roisin Fallon-Williams
Roisin Fallon-Williams
Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Hilary Grant
Executive Medical Director
Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
Dan Barrett
Thrive London
Sarah Blow
Accountable Officer
South West London Clinical Commissioning Group
Vanessa Ford
Acting Chief Executive
South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust
David Bradley
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Navina Evans
Former CEO
East London NHS Foundation Trust
Sir Richard Leese
Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Partnership
Evelyn Asante-Mensah
Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust
Clare Parker
Executive Director of Nursing, Healthcare Professionals and Quality Governance
Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Nihal Fernando
Medical Director
Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust
Claire Molloy
Chief Executive
Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Tom Tasker
Salford Clinical Commissioning Group
Dr Sandeep Ranote
Medical Director
North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Helen Bellairs
North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Simon Barber
Medical Director, North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Joanne Hiley
Executive Director of Nursing and Quality
North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Joanne McDonnell
Executive Director of Nursing and Governance
North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Alice Seabourne
Medical Director
Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
Neil Thwaite
Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
Gill Green
Director of Nursing and Governance
Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
Andrew Maloney
Director of Human Resources and Deputy Chief Executive
Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
Rupert Nichols
Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
Warren Heppolette
Executive Lead
Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Partnership
Dr Rhiannon England
Clinical Lead for Mental Health
City & Hackney Integrated Care Partnership
Philip Glanville
Mayor of Hackney
Hackney Health and Wellbeing Board
Marianne Fredericks
City of London Corporation Health and Wellbeing Board